New Ovotrack customers as a result of increasing traceability requirements in Germany

New Ovotrack customers as a result of increasing traceability requirements in Germany

German KAT System

The primary goal of KAT is the traceability and guarantee of origin of eggs from barn, free-range and organic production. More than 400 egg packing operations in Germany and surrounding European countries are member of KAT. As KAT is overseeing the complete supply chain, Feed suppliers, Hatcheries, Layer Farms and Egg processing plants are also part of the KAT control system.

Aldi ATC
Aldi is one of the retailers that has particular demands for traceability. All egg packs contain a so-called Aldi Transparancy Code (ATC). At Aldi’s website these ATC codes can be looked up. All information about the producing farm and the packing center that graded the eggs are displayed on this webpage. All egg suppliers have to upload the traceability information about the ATC’s they supplied to Aldi.

Aldi filiaal

New customers
To meet their customer requirements for traceability, the German egg companies Hühnerhof Heidegold, Owi-Ei, Löwendorfer Geflügelhof, Bio Fürstenhof and Geflügelfarm Welbsleben decided to invest in Ovotrack solutions for six egg grading centers in total. All of these installations are different and unique but they have one thing in common; a connection to the grading machine to communicate the farms and the orders and to collect the traceability results after grading. In future newsletters these installations will be highlighted in more detail.

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