New Ovotrack modules

New Ovotrack modules

New Ovotrack modules

In the last couple of months, Ovotrack introduced three new software modules; Ovotrack Truckweights, Ovotrack Semi Automatic Palletizing and Ovotrack Checks at Receive. Each of these modules will be described in more detail in future newsletters, but here is the first introduction:

Truck Weights

Many companies in the egg industry, especially in egg processing, use a weighbridge to weigh a truck before unloading (1) and after unloading the truck (2) to calculate the total egg weight delivered. In Ovotrack, each individual pallet ID should get a net weight, in order to calculate the total weight that went into a batch at the breaker. Ovotrack Truck Weights calculates the net weight of eggs in a truck and distributes it over all pallets in the truck. So no need to weigh each pallet individually. Ovotrack Truck Weights can also be used to get a weight report for other things than eggs.

Ovotrack Truckweights

Semi Automatic Palletizing

This software module helps to group individual cases to a pallet. Currently Ovotrack offers different solutions for this but Ovotrack Semi Automatic Palletizing is a new way to do this and works in combination with a scan portal on the case conveyor. The scan portal reads each case label and then assigns it to a pallet. And it will automatically create a new pallet once the total number of cases for a pallet is reached. This requires that there is only one pallet position per SKU and cases should be palletized sequentially. But it takes away the manual scanning of each case on a pallet.

Semi Automatic Palletizing

Checks at Receive

A growing number of customers have asked for checks during receiving of eggs. These checks can be of different sorts and go from ‘check from which farm we have to take a sample of 12 eggs for the lab to check yolk color, shell strength and so on’ to ‘check whether Salmonella tests have been done in time for this flock’. Some of these checks result in a warning within Ovotrack Receive but others could result in a ‘Eggs cannot be received due to failing the quality tests’

Ovotrack Quality Check

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