Connecting Ovotrack to your grading machine -3- for accurate product labelling

Connecting Ovotrack to your grading machine - 3 - for accurate product labelling

Connecting Ovotrack to Your grading machine

Connecting Ovotrack to your grading machine is an important part for most of the Ovotrack customers. Depending on the type of grading machine or the specific requirements of your local market there are different ways to do it. In several newsletters we will zoom in on the different aspects of grader communication in more detail. The benefits of collecting accurate grading results and the enhanced traceability have been discussed in the previous newsletter; now we will focus on the accurate product labelling.

Wrong labelling is the number one reason for recalls these days. Retailers rely on barcodes and best before dates on the consumer packs for their cash out process and they reloy on barcodes on outer cases for their internal logisitic process. And if you make a mistake with the labels, your customers suffer from that. So managing the labelling and coding process is more important than ever before.

Connecting Ovotrack to your grading machine helps with that if you connect the product recipes or product templates in your grader with the product definitions in Ovotrack. This will enable your grader to tell Ovotrack the exact moment to change from one product to another at each packing lane. Ovotrack will then change the corresponding label layout automatically. Ovotrack controls your outer labelers but the same procedure can be set up for prepacks. Most pack labelers or pack coders can be connected to your grader in the same way as Ovotrack. So once set up correctly, grader communication with Ovotrack can automatically change the best before date on the prepack and the label layout on the outer case, including the EAN128-code that your retail customer requires.

The main benefit of this Ovotrack feature is that it takes out manual work to switch from one product to another and it takes away human errors which may lead to different best before dates on the consumer packs and the outer labels.

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  • Ovotrack grader communication 2

  • Ovotrack grader communication 1

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