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Recent live projects

Goals and reasons to invest in Ovotrack Solutions

We have welcomed various new customers this year and made a lot of new implementations. Each Ovotrack user has its own goals and uses Ovotrack differently. Below, we will explain the goals and reasons to invest in Ovotrack for a couple of these recent implementations.

Fairfield Specialty Eggs - USA
Complete Ovotrack solution, connected to Sanovo OptiGrader 600 grading machine.

Fairfield Specialty Eggs have been in the business of nest run specialty eggs for long but they decided to start grading themselves in 2020. Due to Covid the construction of their new plant took longer than expected but in the beginning of 2022 it finally took off. Fairfield Specialty Eggs is using the complete Ovotrack Solution, including Farm Label Printing, Receive, Loader

communication with the Sanovo OptiGrader 600, Packaging, End of Lane, Palletizing and Dispatch. The Ovotrack Database is connected to the QuickBooks accounting system for easy farm billing and invoicing to customers.

The Ovotrack Solution offers Fairfield Specialty Eggs the ability to label each case and pallet with a customer specific label. It also takes care of full traceability from farm to final customer as well as inventory management of nest run eggs, packaging and finished goods. And last but not least, the data from Ovotrack is synchronized to QuickBooks which automates farm billing and customer invoicing.

Organic Pasture Farms – USA
Complete Ovotrack Solution for a company new to the egg business.

Organic Pasture Farms is a company that is new in the egg grading business. To make a good start, the company decided to start with Ovotrack, from the beginning. The company bought their first egg grading machine, which is a Sime-Tek Orion. As this was the first time for Ovotrack to connect to a Sime-Tek grader, a new interface had to be developed.

Now Organic Pasture Farms is able to scan pallets/batches to the grader and Ovotrack will collect the grading results for every pallet. Ovotrack End of Lane printers are installed on top of the packing lanes, which gives the operators the ability to print a unique product label for every finished product. This product can be connected to an order to cover the traceability.

Waldschmidt Eggs – Namibia
End of Lane Labelling, Palletizing and Dispatch

Waldschmidt Eggs is the first Ovotrack customer in Africa. With the installation of a new Sanovo Ardenta Grader, Waldschmidt Eggs decided to implement Ovotrack for labelling and scanning at Dispatch. The data is exchanged with QuickBooks which is used for invoicing.

Each case now gets a unique label and that label is scanned before loading customer orders in the truck. This helps Waldschmidt Eggs in inventory control of finished goods but it also helps to assure that the right products and the correct quantities are shipped. Moreover, it automates the process of invoicing to the final customers.


Ready Egg Products – Northern Ireland
Complete Ovotrack Solution, connected to Moba Omnia, MR40’s and weighing scale.

Ready Egg Products is the largest Egg Processing company in the UK. Processing, boiling and grading eggs is done at two locations, one in Lisnaskea in Northern Ireland and one in Chesterfield in England.
Especially for the grading operation in Lisnaskea , Ready Egg Products wanted a state-of-the-art traceability solution to get automated traceability from collecting eggs at 30+ free range farms, through the Moba Omnia PX530 grading machine until packing pallets with graded eggs after the grader with MR40 robotic palletizers.

The Ovotrack Solution takes care of this with Farm Labelling, Receive, Loader, ECI, End of Lane Pallet Labelling (semi-automatic) and Scanning at Dispatch or at the in house boiling and processing lines.

Lintz Hall Farms - England
Phased Ovotrack implementation, started with ungraded eggs and now moving to finished goods.

Lintz Hall Farm is an egg producer, based in Burnopfield, near Newcastle, in the UK. Lintz Hall Farm is currently grading eggs of approximately 20 different flocks with a Moba Omnia 330 egg grading machine which will soon be replaced by a Sanovo GraderPro. Lintz Hall Farm was looking for an inventory management system that can also help with traceability and should eventually connect to a new to be implemented van sales system.

With the Farm Labelling, Receive and Loader installation, Lintz Hall started up Ovotrack, including the connection to Eggbase for automatic exchange of grading results which results in an automated process of creating farm bills. The next part will be the implementation of Ovotrack End of Lane and Palletizing, which will be combined with the installation of the new Sanovo Grader.

Geflügelfarm Welbsleben - Germany
End of Lane Labelling, Palletizing and Dispatch

With the installation of a new Sanovo Grader Pro, Geflügelfarm Welbsleben decided to implement Ovotrack for full traceability, labelling cases at End of Lane, labelling full pallets at Palletizing and scanning at Dispatch. The data is exchanged with the company’s ERP system Smartware. Traceability is very important for Geflügelfarm Welbsleben; it is accurate to the individual carton. Therefore Geflügelfarm Welbsleben asked Ovotrack for help to take the traceability from the grading machine to the shipping of finished goods to their customers.


Bio Fürstenhof - Germany
Solution for tracking organic eggs from farm until palletizing

Bio Fürstenhof is dedicated to grade, pack and sell organic eggs in Germany. The company recently installed a new Sanovo Ardenta Grader in order to increase capacity and efficiency on the grading floor.
The Ovotrack Solution helps Bio Fürstenhof to keep track of all the different batches of ungraded eggs until they are processed on the grader. After scanning each pallet label at Receive and at the Loader, the information is send to the Sanovo Ardenta. At the end of the packing lanes, individual case labels are printed, These labels will eventually be grouped to pallets, once the case conveyor is installed. An Ovotrack scanportal will help with the grouping to pallets.

The Ovotrack System is connected to SLA, which is the ERP system that Bio Fürstenhof uses for invoicing.

Granite Ridge - USA
Complete Ovotrack Solution for a company new to the egg business.

Granite Ridge started grading early 2022 with a new Sanovo Ardenta Grader. The company is growing fast; before the start an extra pair of packing lanes has been added to the grader and during the project, an additional cooler was build to extent the storing capacity for finished goods.

At Granite Ridge, a complete Ovotrack Solution has been installed, including Farm Labelling, Receive, Loader – with connection to the Sanovo Ardenta Grader, End of Lane Labelling, Pallet Labelling and Scanning at Dispatch.


Prodavi - Switzerland
Reduce paperwork during the hatchery process

Prodavi is a small hatchery, located in the hills of Switzerland. The hatchery is not making use of a lot of automation machines, which means that a lot of handling is being done manually. Despite that, they want to automate more and more their process.

Prodavi is using the On Farm Scanning application, which gives the possibility to scan and register farm trolleys at the farm. With this information, the hatchery knows exactly how many hatching eggs are ready to pick up and will come to the hatchery. This information is really helpful for planning.


From the moment the eggs arrive in the hatchery, all data from the hatchery process is being collected on trolley level, such as time of disinfection and pre-heating, incubator positions and daily incubator checks, chick processing results and destination.

In the past, this was all being done manually with a lot of paperwork. The operators now most of the time only need to make a scan with help of a hand scanner.

Interested to know more about this project? Please contact our sales manager Raul den Adel.

We are happy that we got the opportunity to implement our solutions at the customers above to help them improve their process. Next to these finished implementations, we would like to welcome our new customers Pitman Farms, Annalitten Foods, Eko Farm, Dakota Layers, Chino Valley Ranchers, Klöverbergsgården and Uova Ticino. Thank you for your trust in Ovotrack!

Interested to see how a Ovotrack or Hatchtrack Solution will work for your specific process, please contact us!

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