Strategic Partnership secures c2flagranto software for German egg market

Strategic partnership secures c2flagranto software for German egg market

Ovotrack signed a contract with the German company Detlef Coldewey GmbH to take over responsibility for the c2flagranto software that is used by a lot of German egg grading and egg processing companies.

The c2flagranto software is mainly used for office based activities like order processing, invoicing and EDI, whereas the Ovotrack Solution concentrates on the workfloor of egg graders and egg processors to take care of inventory management, traceability and labelling. The Ovotrack and c2flagranto software integrate very well and a growing number of customers experience the synergy of combining the strength of both solutions. Because eggs and food are not core business for Coldewey, the management took a strategic decision to separate the c2flagranto software which opened the door for Ovotrack.

'We are confident that Ovotrack is the right partner to bring the c2flagranto software and its users to the next level', says Bernd Oeltjenbruns, Head of Software Department Coldewey. Job Beekhuis, CEO of Ovotrack adds:'We are very happy with the confidence Coldewey and the c2flagranto customers have in our company and solutions and we are looking forward to help our German customers getting ready for the future.‘ Thursday 19th September, details of the cooperation were shared with c2flagranto customers during a visit at the brand new grading center of Bio-Gut Rosenthal. Jonathan Gauer, CEO of Bio-Gut Rosenthal, explained the benefits of combining Ovotrack and c2flagranto whilst demonstrating some of the latest egg grading technologies including the new Sanovo GraderPro 220, Kletec depalletizing and case palletizing robots and the latest Ovotrack Software.

Nothing changes in the support and development of the c2flagranto software as the existing crew stays on board after Ovotrack takes control on January 1st, 2025. Next to egg companies, other food processing companies in Germany that are using c2flagranto will move over to Ovotrack.